Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Worst Of The Best

I’m Phoebe Creek and I live in the glorious mountains of Breckenridge Colorado! My best friend is Lila Joonbugey and she calls me Pheebs for short. Lila has a faint western hint to her accent. Anyway, back to Colorado! It sure is beautiful here in June, but we had been cooped up in Mrs. Peterson’s old classroom for the whole year and we were growing quite bored of the same old schedule.  Each and every one of us were ready for the huge change rising on our horizon…..middle school! We each had been anxious for the last day of school and now I was even more anxious for the last day of summer to arrive. I know it might sound odd to you, but I was bored of sitting at home all day babysitting my 5 year old little sister Kelley. She had been such a pain but luckily my best friend Lila had helped. The only “exciting” (non-boring) part of the summer was when we received letters from (SMS) Summit County Middle School! Mine read “Welcome to SMS, Phoebe! You are on A-Team and are in Ms. Strudel’s Advisory room #132. Talk over with your parents which classes are best for you. Extended Core or Core for English and Core, Extended Core, or Pre-Algebra for math. Choose based on your Academic Abilities! You can move above or below your level at any time of the year. I hope to meet you on Monday! Signed, Dodsworth VanSnout Principal of  SMS”. After receiving the letter I was hoping to see what team and advisory Lila had gotten! Lila happened to be my at my house so she dashed home which was across the street and came back with her letter. She was out of breath and she said wearily, “I’m on A team! I got Ms. Strudel’s Advisory too!” This looked like good news for us so we celebrated with crinkly chips and lime cherry fizz! This had been a great week so far….until….Lila came over on Sunday. She announced something that would always get me upset all over again..and this is what she said. “Hey Pheebs! I picked Core for English and also I picked Pre-Algebra for math! What did you choose?” Oh no! “Oh, I picked Extended Core for English and Extended Core for Math!” I said wearily. “Oh darn! Well you know how bad I am at writing Pheebs! I can barely come up with a good metaphor or simile! Don’t be mad okay?” How could I not be mad! That would mean I would have two whole classes without my best friend Lila by my side.  I didn’t need her anyway I guess. She was right though, she was SO bad at writing! She wouldn’t survive in Extended Core English! I wouldn’t survive in Pre-Algebra, so that was that. The rest of the day went by in a blur and as I went to bed before the first day of Middle School. I decided that I would try to make the most of it this school year. Then someone came a-knockin at my door at 9:30pm. It was Lila! I dashed down the stairs as fast as a winning rodeo horse and decided to let her in. Although I still may have been holding a grudge, it was worth a try. I opened the creaky screen door and heard the familiar rustle of the katydids (crickets) outdoors. I knew they were nestled in the pine trees somewhere! There stood Lila as wide awake as a night owl. “Golly Jeepers” I thought! What is she doing here? I let her in and closed the screen door with a loud THUD!
Lila began talking in a fast manner….”You see so I’m scared I read an article about spiders before bed and so then I decided to ya know, go to bed and then I decided to---” “SLOW DOWN!” I screeched! She was getting me anxious all of the sudden! Besides, she was a waste of my time! I had to wake up at the early hour tomorrow and I needed all the sleep I could get! “Okay I read an article about spiders online before I fell asleep.” She said. “Why were you reading an article about a spider in the first place----okay never mind whatever! Continue with the story.” I said wearily. “Okay so yeah and the spider article said that you swallow 3-5 spiders in your sleep! I can’t sleep now! Not ever again!” She said anxiously. “Oh c’mon Lila you know that isn’t true! You’ll be fine! Besides spiders don’t even come inside till Fall! Now get some sleep….” I said. “Okay thanks Phoebe! See ya tomorrow!” She announced and skipped out of the room. I wished her good night and hopped into bed, my luscious, squishy, bed. 



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